• +44 (0) 1772 956270
  • Cutting Edge Academy

    Cutting Edge Academy

    Brian Taylor Academy

    For those who think engineering might be for them and are motivated to get started in the job market, our apprenticeships are an excellent way of gaining essential experience whilst also gaining a recognised qualification.

    Our award winning apprenticeship scheme was launched in 2017, and since then we have been working closely with local colleges to guide apprentices through a training frame work that will enable them to become fully qualified engineers. We have taken many of our apprentices on to become full time employees here at Cutting Edge.

    From mechanical, electrical, and design to robotic engineering, we cover all areas of engineering skills and knowledge to allow candidates to find the area they most enjoy, and are most suited to.

    Our Apprentice Academy was renamed the Brian Taylor Academy in 2019. As Technical Manager, Brian Taylor, served Cutting Edge for over 30 years, mentoring scores of engineers and helping to lay the foundations of our apprenticeship programme. His legacy of knowledge transfer and youth development is a constant beacon to those individuals coming through the ranks.

    If the above sounds like something you’d like to do to kickstart your career in engineering, we’d love to hear from you.

    Please contact our HR department at hr@cuttingedgeservices.co.uk.


    We enable the apprenticeship to be as varied as possible at the start, covering all the basic engineering skills and knowledge.

    What We Offer

    Supporting the next generation of talent

    Supporting the next
    generation of talent

    The success of our apprentice schemes significantly contributed towards Cutting Edge Services winning the Runshaw College 2019 ‘Employee of the Year’ award – a fitting tribute to the time and effort we devote to our scheme.

    We have taken many of our apprentices on into full-term employment, and we continue to strengthen our apprenticeship scheme offering year after year.

    Please contact us if you’d like to find out more about apprenticeship opportunities at cutting edge services

    +44 1772 956 270





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